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MongoDB as .NET Configuration Provider

Building Custom Configuration Provider to Read Configuration from MongoDB in an ASP .NET Core App.

An ASP .NET Core app comes with multiple built-in Configuration Sources such as appsettings.json, environment variables, and command-line arguments. Unfortunately, neither of them provides a convenient way to update a configuration value on the fly. Things get especially complex with distributed systems where we need to update the settings just once and get them propagated to multiple application instances.

We need a database! MongoDB is JSON-based, so it comes with a dynamic schema and resemblance to appsettings.json - let's use it. All that's left to do is to build our MongoDB Configuration Provider.

Building the Foundation: Mapping BsonDocument to Configuration

First thing we'll need to do is to create our database model and find a way to fill the configuration from it. We'll install Persic.Mongo package, which includes Mongo.Driver, but comes with a few helpful extensions on top:

dotnet add package Persic.Mongo

To map BsonDocument to configuration Dictionary we'll need to:

a. Map primitive data structures
c. Map inner documents using the name of the property and :
b. Map arrays by appending array property name, :, index, and : once again

Here's the code we can end up with:

IMongoRecord<string> is an interface from Persic.Mongo, implementing it will come in handy later

public record ConfigurationRecord(string Id, BsonDocument Value) : IMongoRecord<string>
    public Dictionary<string, object> ToConfigurationDictionary()
        var configs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        EnrichFromBsonDocument(configs, Value);
        return configs;

    private static void EnrichFromBsonDocument(
        Dictionary<string, object> configs, 
        BsonDocument document, 
        string prefix = ""
        foreach (var pair in document)
            if (pair.Value.IsBsonDocument)
                EnrichFromBsonDocument(configs, pair.Value.AsBsonDocument, prefix + pair.Name + ":");
            else if (pair.Value.IsBsonArray)
                var array = pair.Value.AsBsonArray;
                for (var i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                    EnrichFromBsonDocument(configs, array[i].AsBsonDocument, prefix + pair.Name + ":" + i + ":");
                configs[prefix + pair.Name] = pair.Value.ToJson();

Now, when we can translate the mongo record to the configuration data, let's figure out how to upload the data to Microsoft's configuration system.

Strengthening the Foundation: Loading Mongo Documents to Configuration Stores

In this article, we've investigated how to connect a background service to the .NET configuration system. Long story short, we need to use singleton-resembling ConfigurationBackgroundStores. We can add them using the Confi.BackgroundStore package:

dotnet add package Confi.BackgroundStore

We'll need to create a store per configuration source we want to use, so we'll use the id of the document we want to read configuration from as a key. We'll use SetAll method of the store to upload the data from a ConfigurationRecord using the mapping we've implemented earlier. Let's call our class Loader and sketch an initial implementation:

public class MongoConfigurationLoader( 
    ConfigurationBackgroundStore.Factory factory,
    string documentId
    private const string keyPrefix = "mongo";
    public static string Key(string documentId) => $"{keyPrefix}:{documentId}";

    private readonly ConfigurationBackgroundStore store = factory.GetStore(Key(documentId));

    public void Upload(ConfigurationRecord configurationRecord)

Our loader should provide us with everything we need to implement a background service for reading configuration from mongo. Let's inject ILogger<MongoConfigurationLoader>, IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> and implement a couple of helper methods:

public IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> Collection { get; } = collection;
public string DocumentId { get; } = documentId;
public ILogger<MongoConfigurationLoader> Logger { get; } = logger;

public string CollectionName => Collection.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName;

public async Task<ConfigurationRecord?> SearchAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    return await Collection.Find(x => x.Id == DocumentId)
        .FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

Finally, to simplify creation of the loader for various documentIds let's create a little factory:

public class Factory(
    IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> collection,
    ConfigurationBackgroundStore.Factory configurationFactory,
    ILogger<MongoConfigurationLoader> logger
    public MongoConfigurationLoader GetLoader(string documentId)
        return new MongoConfigurationLoader(collection, configurationFactory, documentId, logger);

Putting it all together, here's how our code might look like:

public class MongoConfigurationLoader(
    IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> collection, 
    ConfigurationBackgroundStore.Factory factory,
    string documentId,
    ILogger<MongoConfigurationLoader> logger
    private const string keyPrefix = "mongo";
    public static string Key(string documentId) => $"{keyPrefix}:{documentId}";

    private readonly ConfigurationBackgroundStore store = factory.GetStore(Key(documentId));

    public void Upload(ConfigurationRecord configurationRecord)
    public IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> Collection { get; } = collection;
    public string DocumentId { get; } = documentId;
    public ILogger<MongoConfigurationLoader> Logger { get; } = logger;

    public string CollectionName => Collection.CollectionNamespace.CollectionName;

    public async Task<ConfigurationRecord?> SearchAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return await Collection.Find(x => x.Id == DocumentId).FirstOrDefaultAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

    public class Factory(
        IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> collection,
        ConfigurationBackgroundStore.Factory configurationFactory,
        ILogger<MongoConfigurationLoader> logger
        public MongoConfigurationLoader GetLoader(string documentId)
            return new MongoConfigurationLoader(collection, configurationFactory, documentId, logger);

Finally, let's move to the fun part and create our background service, gluing everything together.

Connecting MongoDB Watch with Configuration Loading

Earlier, in this article we've investigated how to watch for changes in a MongoDB collection. Let's use that knowledge together with the MongoConfigurationLoader we've implemented earlier. Here's how it might look like:

public class MongoBackgroundConfigurationWatcher(MongoConfigurationLoader loader)
    private async Task RunWatchingAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        loader.Logger.LogInformation("Starting watching collection {collectionName} for changes in document {documentId}", 

        var changeStream = await loader.Collection.WatchAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
        while (await changeStream.MoveNextAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
            foreach (var change in changeStream.Current)
                loader.Logger.LogDebug("Collection change detected: {0}", change.FullDocument);
                if (change.FullDocument.Id == loader.DocumentId)
                    loader.Logger.LogInformation("Document `{documentId}` changed - pushing data to configuration store", loader.DocumentId);

Watching for changes is nice, but even if no changes will happen, we'll still need to use the configuration from our mongo collection. Let's implement a method, loading the configuration on our app start.

private async Task LoadInitialConfigurationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    loader.Logger.LogInformation("Loading initial configuration from collection {collectionName} for document {documentId}", 
    var document = await loader.SearchAsync(cancellationToken);
    if (document is not null)

Finally, to implement a BackgroundService we'll put it all in the ExecuteAsync, restarting the process in case of exceptions, while the app is running (while cancellation on the stoppingToken was not requested):

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
    while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            await LoadInitialConfigurationAsync(stoppingToken);
            await RunWatchingAsync(stoppingToken);
        catch (Exception ex)
            loader.Logger.LogError(ex, "Error while watching for changes");
            await Task.Delay(500, stoppingToken);

Here's the complete code of our watcher:

public class MongoBackgroundConfigurationWatcher(MongoConfigurationLoader loader) : BackgroundService
    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                await LoadInitialConfigurationAsync(stoppingToken);
                await RunWatchingAsync(stoppingToken);
            catch (Exception ex)
                loader.Logger.LogError(ex, "Error while watching for changes");
                await Task.Delay(500, stoppingToken);

    private async Task LoadInitialConfigurationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        loader.Logger.LogInformation("Loading initial configuration from collection {collectionName} for document {documentId}", 

        var document = await loader.SearchAsync(cancellationToken);
        if (document is not null)

    private async Task RunWatchingAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        loader.Logger.LogInformation("Starting watching collection {collectionName} for changes in document {documentId}", 

        var changeStream = await loader.Collection.WatchAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
        while (await changeStream.MoveNextAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
            foreach (var change in changeStream.Current)
                loader.Logger.LogDebug("Collection change detected: {0}", change.FullDocument);
                if (change.FullDocument.Id == loader.DocumentId)
                    loader.Logger.LogInformation("Document `{documentId}` changed - pushing data to configuration store", loader.DocumentId);

This was a relatively long journey, but now we can finally use the code we've written in an app. Let's get straight to it!

Testing Mongo Configuration Watcher using ASP .NET Minimal API

Let's set up MongoDB first! For the watching functionality, we need to have replica set enabled. I've covered the setup in depth in the dedicated article. Here we'll just use the two files needed: init.js:

    _id: "rs0",
    members: [
        { _id: 0, host: "localhost:27017" }

And compose.yml:

    image: mongo
      - 27017:27017
    command: mongod --replSet rs0
      - ./init.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.js

Now, after running docker compose up -d we'll get our database running. Let's now create an ASP .NET project to test our configuration reader:

dotnet new web

To get up and running, we'll need to inject MongoDB with our ConfigurationRecord collection, inject our MongoConfigurationLoader.Factory, and set up background configuration with key from our loader, paired with the MongoBackgroundConfigurationWatcher. Here's the code:


    key: MongoConfigurationLoader.Key("simple"),
    factory: sp => {
        var loader = sp.GetRequiredService<MongoConfigurationLoader.Factory>()

        return new MongoBackgroundConfigurationWatcher(loader);


And probably the easiest way to test this would be to create an endpoint, updating the mongo record, waiting for the changes to propagate, and then reading the data from the updated configuration:

app.MapPut("simple/config", async (IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> collection, IConfiguration configuration, JsonElement body) => {
    var result = await collection.Put(new (

    await Task.Delay(100);
    return new {
        sent = body,
        config = new {
            name = configuration["name"],
            age = configuration["age"],

After putting it all together and starting things up with dotnet run, let's send a request:

I'll use httpyac for the demonstration. I have a dedicated article about it, but it should look intuitive anyway.

Don't forget to adjust the port, based on what you have.

PUT http://localhost:5051/simple/config

    "name" : "Egor",
    "age" : {{ $randomInt 25 30 }}

Here's how the result might look like:

Congratulations! We've enabled using MongoDB documents as a configuration source. But the code is still verbose and we have one other thing to improve - let's do it in the final section.

Adding Long-Polling and Multiple Sources Support via a NuGet Package

As you may have noticed, enabling MongoDB replica set is quite a challenge. What we can do is to implement another background service, that just reads the records periodically and updates the configuration in case some changes happen.

The article is already quite long, so how about instead we'll just use a NuGet package, that has already implemented the LongPolling MongoReadingMode:

dotnet add package Confi.Mongo

Besides LongPolling, the package also comes with a handy registration extension methods. Here's how we can update our code to listen to two configuration documents in two different reading modes:

builder.AddMongoConfiguration(documentId: "simple");
builder.AddMongoConfiguration(documentId: "toggles", mode: MongoReadingMode.LongPolling);

Let's also implement a test method for the second configuration source:

app.MapPut("toggles/config", async (IMongoCollection<ConfigurationRecord> collection, IConfiguration configuration, JsonElement body) => {
    var result = await collection.Put(new(

    await Task.Delay(100);
    return new {
        sent = body,
        config = new {
            featureManagement = new {
                featureA = configuration["featureManagement:featureA"],
                featureB = new {
                    percentage = configuration["featureManagement:featureB:percentage"],

Let's create an http test as well:

PUT http://localhost:5051/toggles/config

    "featureManagement" : {
        "featureA" : "enabled",
        "featureB" : {
            "percentage" : {{ $randomInt 1 99 }}

Here's what you might get, playing around with the configuration:

As you may see, both of the configurations are eventually updated, although the LongPolling expectedly takes a longer time to see the changes. Let's reflect for a little bit on what we have done in this article and call it a day!


We've built a custom MongoDB configuration provider. The same provider could be found in a package, called Confi.Mongo. Here's how you can register one:

builder.AddMongoConfiguration(documentId: "simple");
builder.AddMongoConfiguration(documentId: "toggles", mode: MongoReadingMode.LongPolling);


After the registration, values from simple and toggles MongoDB documents will be automatically loaded to the IConfiguration, which is all that is needed from a .NET configuration system integration!

The package is part of a confi project, providing various configuration tools and best practices. Don't hesitate to give it a star! ⭐

And also... claps for this article are appreciated! 👏