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Code documentation: Drawings VS Pseudo-Code VS Bulletpoints VS Mermaid

I'm frequently faced with the challenge of documenting an existing system. But I never figured out what tool is the most effective, so, most of the times, I randomly pick a tool and just go with it. This time, I decided to conduct a small competition.

This is what the competing tools were challenged to describe:

WithdrawalController subscribed to RabbitMQ queues withdraw.evm, withdraw.btc and withdraw.trx with methods WithdrawEvm, WithdrawBtc, WithdrawTrx. Each of these queues message contains single field txId.

WithdrawEvm first reads tx from the database by the txId, then reads sysWalletSecret from the database by tx.TenantId. tx and sysWalletSecret are then passed to EvmTxManager.SignAndSend, which constructs signed evm tx and sends it via JsonRpc eth_sendRawTransaction request to evm node provided by the GetBlock.

WithdrawBtc reads from the database first tx by the txId, then btcId by tx.TenantId. tx and btcId are then passed to BtcTxManager.Send which constructs self-hosted btc node url using btcId and sends there JsonRpc sendtoaddress request build with data from tx

WithdrawTrx reads from the database first tx by the txId, then sysWalletSecret by tx.TenantId. Then based on whether tx.Type is equal to "Native" calls either TrxTxManager.sendNative or TrxTxManager.sendToken with tx and sysWalletSecret. Both TrxTxManager methods send POST wallet/broadcasttransaction request with constructed signed trx tx to the trx node provided by the GetBlock

And here's what I got:

Hand Drawing

Preudo Code

    withdrawEvm rabbitQueue("withdraw.evm")
        tx = db.txBy @txId
        sysWalletSecret = db.sysWalletSecretFor 'EVM' tx.TenantId
        EvmTxManager.signAndSend tx sysWalletSecret      

    withdrawBtc rabbitQueue("withdraw.btc")
        tx = db.transactionBy @txId
        btcId = db.btcIdBy transaction.TenantId
        BtcTxManager.send tx btcId

    withdrawTrx rabbitQueue("withdraw.trx")
        tx = db.txBy @txId
        sysWalletSecret = db.sysWalletSecretFor 'TRX' tx.TenantId
        if tx.Type == "Native"

        signedEvmTx = signedTxFrom @tx @secret
        sendJsonRpc getblock.evmNode "eth_sendRawTransaction" signedEvmTx


        signedTrxTx = signedTxFrom @tx @secret
        post getBlock.trxNode "/wallet/broadcasttransaction" signedTransaction

        signedTransaction = signedTxFrom @tx @secret
        post getBlock.trxNode "/wallet/broadcasttransaction" signedTransaction


  • WithdrawController handles messages from RabbitMQ
    • withdraw.evm (WithdrawEvm)
      • SELECTS tx by txId
      • SELECTS sysWalletSecret by transaction.TenantId
      • Sends to EvmTxManager.signAndSend
        • Creates signedEvmTx
        • Sends a JsonRpc request eth_sendRawTransacton to evmNode from GetBlock provider.
    • withdraw.btc (WithdrawBtc)
      • SELECTS tx by txId
      • SELECTS sysWalletSecret by tx.TenantId
      • Sends to BtcTxManager.send
        • Constructs self-hosted btcNode url using btcId
        • Sends a JsonRpc request sendtoaddress to the url
    • withdraw.trx (WithdrawTrx)
      • SELECTS tx by txId
      • SELECTS sysWalletSecret by transaction.TenantId
      • Calls TrxTxManager sendToken and sendNative based on transaction.Type
        • Creates signedTrxTx for both native and custom tokens.
        • Sends it via POST wallet/broadcasttransaction to trxNode from GetBlock provider

Mermaid Flowchart

flowchart TB

evmNode(("EVM Node

GetBlock Provider"))
btcNode(("BTC Node

trxNode(("TRX Node


rabbit ----> withdrawEvm -- signedEthTx --> evmNode
withdrawEvm <-. tx, sysWalletSecret .-> db

rabbit ----> withdrawBtc -- url by btcId, tx --> btcNode
withdrawBtc <-. tx, btcId.-> db

rabbit ----> withdrawTrx -- signedTrxTx --> trxNode
withdrawTrx <-.tx, sysWalletSecret.-> db

Mermaid Sequence Diagram


participant R as Rabbit
participant WC as WithdrawController
participant FS as FinanceService
participant DB
participant E as Executors (EvmTx, BtcTx, TrxTx)
participant N as Nodes (Evm-GetBlock, Btc-SelfHosted, Trx-GetBlocks)

R ->>  WC: withdraw.evm (txId)
WC ->> DB: txId
DB ->> WC: tx
WC ->> DB: tx.tenantId EVM
DB ->> WC: sysWalletSecret

WC ->> E: evm.signAndSend 
E ->> N: evmSignedTx

R ->>  WC: withdraw.btc (txId)
WC ->> DB: txId
DB ->> WC: tx
WC ->> DB: tx.tenant
DB ->> WC: btcId

WC ->> E: btc.send
E ->> N: btcId, tx

R ->>  WC: withdraw.trx (txId)
WC ->> DB: txId
DB ->> WC: tx
WC ->> DB: tx.tenant TRX
DB ->> WC: sysWalletSecret

WC ->> E: trx.sendNative
E ->> N: signedTrxTx
WC ->> E: trx.sendToken
E ->> N: signedTrxTx


If I'd have to pick a solo winner that would be bullet points.

Writing bullet points was intuitive and fast. Any specialist can understand them. Their tree-like structure, perfectly match the flow of the process, allowing step-by-step investigation of each proccess branch. Finally, they are perfectly git-friendly: can be read with no additional tooling, easy to comment on, and so on.

Paradoxically enough, this is the least fancy tool. To glamorize that a bird-eye mermaid flow chart can be added to the mix. I assume a combination of those two would be the most beautiful and understandable way to create a documentation for an existing code.